Saturday, 18 August 2012

The heat from south-west to the center of France

Temperatures can exceed 40 degrees between the Garonne and the Loire. The heat wave that hit Friday southwest of France lies in the center of the country Saturday with temperatures that can exceed 40 degrees between the Garonne and the Loire, Meteo France announced Saturday morning. In its national newsletter updated at 6:00 Meteo France calls the event "episode hot, much less severe than in 2003, but requiring special vigilance especially for sensitive or exposed." In 2003, the heat wave had crushed the country for the first half of August. The mortality was then assessed 15,000 people. According to the weather forecasters, the current episode of high temperatures which began Friday in the southwest of France "settled until first part of next week and will move toward the north and east the country. " It currently affects 21 departments. The six departments alerted Friday morning (Haute-Garonne, Gers, Lot, Lot-et-Garonne, Tarn and Tarn-et-Garonne), were added those of Burgundy (Yonne, Côte-d'Or, and Saône Nièvre -et-Loire) and Limousin (Corrèze, Creuse and Haute-Vienne), and the Allier, Charente, Cher, Dordogne, Indre, Loire, Puy-de-Dôme and the Rhone. Midi-Pyrenees temperatures reached over 37 degrees to 39 degrees Friday culminating in the Tarn-et-Garonne Castelsarrasin. Saturday morning "minimum temperatures are higher than yesterday degrees from February to March, they are between 19 to 24 degrees on a large south-west quarter of France", says Meteo France. It provides that the maximum temperatures "are still a little higher" Saturday in the southwest between 37 and 40 degrees to 41-42 degrees climb up locally (on the Dordogne and the Lot particular). However, it is in the center, Burgundy, northern Auvergne and the Lyonnais, less affected Friday that the expected warming is described as "spectacular." Temperatures are of the same order of magnitude as those in the south-west with peaks up to 40 degrees possible in the afternoon and minimum temperatures in late night from Saturday to Sunday which will struggle to go down to 20/22 degrees. The maximum temperature will continue Sunday and Monday will lose a few degrees, while remaining at a high level. Meteo-France invites to stay in a cool place at least three hours per day not to go to the hottest providing to refresh regularly, drinking heavily and without thirst, especially children and the elderly. It highlights the particular risk of dehydration and heatstroke in athletes and people who work outdoors.

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