The fighting has again claimed victims in Syria. On the diplomatic front, Washington and London raise their voices.
No respite in Aleppo. The city in northern Syria is subject to several weeks of intense bombing of the Syrian army. Like every Friday since the beginning of the revolt in March 2011, the opposition called for protests outside mosques after prayers. Main information of the day:
The United States put their threat into execution. Washington announced sanctions against a Syrian oil company, Sytrol, to have a business relationship with Iran.
The U.S. Treasury Department blames Hezbollah, already classified as a terrorist organization in the United States, for its "central role" in the crackdown by the regime of Bashar al-Assad.
The Syrian army loyalist announces that it has repelled an attack against Aleppo International Airport conducted by the rebels and says he killed most of the attackers.
Une boulangerie du quartier de Tariq al-Bab, dans l'est d'Alep - un quartier contrôlé par les rebelles -, est bombardée au moment où des centaines d'habitants faisaient leurs courses. Au moins trois enfants ont été tués et une vingtaine de personnes blessées par ces tirs d'artillerie.
Un étudiant de 19 ans meurt après avoir été touché à la tête par un tir de l'armée qui tentait de disperser une manifestation, annonce l'Observatoire syrien des droits de l'homme (OSDH).
Les insurgés syriens se retirent du quartier stratégique de Salaheddine à Alep, mais ils promettent de contre-attaquer. Par ailleurs, la population profite de la baisse d'intensité des combats pour fuir la ville. Selon les Nations unies, près de 150 000 Syriens ont cherché refuge à l'étranger depuis le début de l'insurrection à la mi-mars 2011.
A veteran Algerian diplomat Lakhdar Brahimi, could replace Kofi Annan as UN envoy and the Arab League. "The Security Council of the United Nations and States of the region must unite to allow a political transition as soon as possible," he says in a statement first.
The United States warned that they will announce in the coming days for new sanctions against the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad and his supporters.
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