Be careful if you go on vacation this weekend. Traffic was relatively fluid at 9:00 on Saturday all roads, but initial difficulties have emerged, including the A10 and A7, red for the day ranked in the direction of departures as returns, Bison by Smart. In Ile-de-France, traffic was light at 9:00, except on the A10, towards the province, between Fresnes (Val de Marne) and Champlan (Essonne), according to the National Clearinghouse road.
By province, the first difficulties were located particularly on the A10, with 10 km north of Orleans cap towards Bordeaux, and on the A7, with 10 km south of Vienna slowdown and 4 km north of this city, towards Valencia.

Plugs kms from February to June were also identified on the side of Mende (Lozère) and Agde (Hérault), towards Montpellier. "Saturday, August 11 will experience very significant traffic problems on most main roads in the country regardless of the direction of travel and red is displayed in all directions," said Bison smart. This already provides a steady flow that can occasionally be difficult early in the morning on the A6 between Beaune and Auxerre, between 9 and 12 o'clock on the section Beaune / Lyon and between 11 and 13 hours on the A31 between Langres and Beaune. On the A7, measures speed control, forcing motorists to switch from 130 km / h to 110 or 90 km / h, are put in place in some sections, between Vienna and Orange, before the traffic s 'clogs, says Bison smart. Whatever the direction of movement of long distance, "do not travel on main roads in the country mainly between 10.00 am and 6:00 p.m. (8:00 p.m. up on the A7 motorway towards Lyon)," the source added. The movement of trucks is also prohibited in France on Saturday and Sunday.
Sunday is ranked in green: traffic will be dense on most main roads in the country, but traffic problems should not cross the thresholds of orange, Bison says Smart. Finally, given the risks of forest fires, it is asked motorists to be especially careful and vigilant on all motorways, national and departmental roads, south of France.
On track, SNCF expects about 804,000 passengers on board trains TGV 2200 for the weekend of August 10 to 12, said Friday a spokesman for the company told AFP. The following weekend should be more responsible, according to the company, which has not given specific numbers. Paris train stations Montparnasse and Lyon, traditionally the busiest for the holiday weekend, welcome 245,000 passengers and 260.0000 respectively.