This web page contains links that will connect you to over 7,000 of the most helpful webmaster resources, tools, tips and articles that we contain seen on the Internet. The tutorial is divided into four parts:
1. essential optimization rules
2. optimizing property (images, scripts, and styles)
Credits and Suggested Reading
1. Make fewer HTTP requests
2. Use a content Delivery Network
3. Add an Expires header
Host Assets on Different Domains but Reduce DNS Lookups
After your visitor’s browser has downloaded the HTML for a page and outline out that a number of machinery are also needed it start on downloading those components.
Place Assets on a Cookie-free field
If you set a lot of cookies, the request headers for your pages will increase in size, since those cookies are send with each request.
Name Assets
The problem with the method that we just looked at (setting the Expires header to a date that’s far into the future) occurs when you want to adjust an asset on that page, such as an image.
Serve gzipped Content
Most recent browsers understand gzipped (compressed) content consequently a well-performing page should aim to serve all of its content compressed.
Disable ETags
Compare to the potential hassles that can be encountered when implementing the rule above, the application of this rule is very easy. You now need to put in the subsequently to your .htaccess file:
Use CSS Sprites
Using a technique known as CSS sprites, you can combine several images into a single image, then use the CSS background-position possessions to show only the image you need.
Use Post-load Pre-loading and Inline Assets
If you’re a responsible web developer, you’re most likely already adhering to the separation of concerns and using HTML for your content, CSS for presentation and JavaScript for performance.
Merge .js Files
As per the basic rules, you should aim for your JavaScripts to make as few requests as possible; ideally, this also means that you should contain only one .js file.
Minify or Obfuscate Scripts
Now that you’ve merged your scripts, you can go ahead and minify or obfuscate them. Minifying means removing the whole thing that’s not necessary such as comments and whitespace.
Place Scripts at the Bottom of the Page
The third rule of thumb to follow a propos JavaScript optimization is that the script should be placed by the side of the bottom of the page, as close to the ending tag as possible.
Remove Duplicates
Another guideline regarding JavaScript is to avoid including the same script double It may sound like strange advice but it happens: for example a large site used manifold server-side includes that included JavaScript files, it’s conceivable that two of these might double up.
CSS Optimizations
Merge and Minify
For your CSS files you can follow the strategy we discussed for JavaScripts minify and join all style sheets into a single file to minimize download size and the number of HTTP requests taking place. Merging every one files into one is a trivial taskother than the job of minification may be a bit harder particularly if you’re by means of CSS hacks to target specific browsers.
Place style at the Top of the Page
Your single, gzipped (and optionally minified) style sheet is best placed at the beginning of the HTML file, in the section which is where you’d usually put it at any rate.
1. essential optimization rules
2. optimizing property (images, scripts, and styles)
Credits and Suggested Reading
1. Make fewer HTTP requests
2. Use a content Delivery Network
3. Add an Expires header
Host Assets on Different Domains but Reduce DNS Lookups
After your visitor’s browser has downloaded the HTML for a page and outline out that a number of machinery are also needed it start on downloading those components.
Place Assets on a Cookie-free field
If you set a lot of cookies, the request headers for your pages will increase in size, since those cookies are send with each request.
Name Assets
The problem with the method that we just looked at (setting the Expires header to a date that’s far into the future) occurs when you want to adjust an asset on that page, such as an image.
Serve gzipped Content
Most recent browsers understand gzipped (compressed) content consequently a well-performing page should aim to serve all of its content compressed.
Disable ETags
Compare to the potential hassles that can be encountered when implementing the rule above, the application of this rule is very easy. You now need to put in the subsequently to your .htaccess file:
Use CSS Sprites
Using a technique known as CSS sprites, you can combine several images into a single image, then use the CSS background-position possessions to show only the image you need.
Use Post-load Pre-loading and Inline Assets
If you’re a responsible web developer, you’re most likely already adhering to the separation of concerns and using HTML for your content, CSS for presentation and JavaScript for performance.
Merge .js Files
As per the basic rules, you should aim for your JavaScripts to make as few requests as possible; ideally, this also means that you should contain only one .js file.
Minify or Obfuscate Scripts
Now that you’ve merged your scripts, you can go ahead and minify or obfuscate them. Minifying means removing the whole thing that’s not necessary such as comments and whitespace.
Place Scripts at the Bottom of the Page
The third rule of thumb to follow a propos JavaScript optimization is that the script should be placed by the side of the bottom of the page, as close to the ending tag as possible.
Remove Duplicates
Another guideline regarding JavaScript is to avoid including the same script double It may sound like strange advice but it happens: for example a large site used manifold server-side includes that included JavaScript files, it’s conceivable that two of these might double up.
CSS Optimizations
Merge and Minify
For your CSS files you can follow the strategy we discussed for JavaScripts minify and join all style sheets into a single file to minimize download size and the number of HTTP requests taking place. Merging every one files into one is a trivial taskother than the job of minification may be a bit harder particularly if you’re by means of CSS hacks to target specific browsers.
Place style at the Top of the Page
Your single, gzipped (and optionally minified) style sheet is best placed at the beginning of the HTML file, in the section which is where you’d usually put it at any rate.